The breath acts as a bridge between the conscious and unconscious, between the mind and the body.
People are able to swiftly pass through the mental barrier. It is claimed it aids personal growth by releasing past traumas on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level.
It provides a non-verbal way to heal.
We learn to numb ourselves in order to avoid feelings of early life being too intense for us to stay present.
The goal of this practice is to oxygenate the brain and body inorder to activate the parasympathetic nervous system . When activated through breathework one can enter into a deep state of calm, which elicits an altered state of consciousness.
Through this altered state you're able to access repressed emotions, memories from your childhood that are stored in the subconscious mind that may have been suppressed for years perhaps decades.
Through this greater awareness you can identify where your issues stem from and how these experiences affect your behaviour today.